Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My one year challenge?

Ok, so confession time:
I have never read the WHOLE Bible.
There have just been little chunks here, small snipettes there that I have just passed over.
This is something, I feel, that needs to be dealt with and addressed for the sake of my growth and walk with my father and Savior.
And also to better my ministry, and leadership abilities.

So, that being said.
I want to read the entire Bible in consecutive order. I want to watch the story unfold from beginning to... well to the revelation. :)

So, I will read 3 Chapters per day until I have finished the whole thing.
I have no idea if it will take a year, or long, but having just watched Julie and Julia ( a movie I highly recommend.) I am under the impression that a blog is a great source of accountability. Therefore as I go through the Bible I will sort of use this Blog as a journal of sorts.
I will keep my secret place with God, just that, a secret. But I will share some thoughts, feelings, and effects the scriptures have on a 20 something like myself.

1 comment:

  1. ASHLEYYYY!!! Hey love, I'm so excited for you! I read through the entire Bible last year and it completely changed LITERALLY everything. I would suggest reading it chronologically and not consecutively because it makes a lot more sense that way (and it's super get the beautiful picture of the chronicle of redemption that the Word is)...but, if you got yo thang going on, then that's cool too! I love you dearly, and hopefully it won't be foreverrr until I see you again!

