Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's the Circle of life, and it moves us all

Today brings another chapter of family trees.
2 things I want to say on this.

1. Ham, the son of Noah, had a son named Cush who had a son named Nimrod. Now, this makes me wonder where the connotaion of the word "nimrod" came from in our culture today.
It means someone dumb, stupid, ect., right? Well Nimrod was a great warrior for God, and the Bible says he was admired by the people.
Weird, right?

2. At first I can't help but wonder why all of this is in the Bible. Why do I need to know so and so is the son of so and so and they moved over here and created this nation and became these people and so on and so forth?
Everything in the Bible has a purpose, there is nothing too small, and there is no detial that is in there that God wasn't being intentional about. This is what I believe.
So, here is my stab at figuring this out, and I could be completely wrong, but I think it could be summed up in one word.
Like the murals that hold the names of the men and women who honorably have lost their lives in the battle for freedom, these names are in the Bible because they came from the family God thought righteous enough to be the ones to populate the nations, and they did so.
Having your name intertwined with the word of God must be a great honor and a wonderful thank you.

Alright then we get to Abram. Who will later become Abraham.
God tells him to leave his home and he will create nations and everyone will be blessed because of him. So he and his wife Sarai and their nephew Lot head on over to Egypt, but Sarai apparently is a babe and Abram thinks that the Egyptions will kill him to get to her, so they say she is his sister. The the king falls for and God slaps a disease on him and then Abram and Saria get thrown out of Egypt...hmm
Stay tuned for more of the adventures of Abram and Saria!
Tomorrow, Genesis 13-15

Oh, on a non-biblical note, Go check out my friend Ambers Etsy's awesome! :)

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