In the Beginning...
1-2First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don't see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. (The Message)
Today I start in Genesis chapters 1-3. These first two verses stuck out to me immediately, and not just because they are the first verses of the chapter, but because they remind me of how I was, how we all were before we found God. We were a "soup of nothingness" that God wanted to make into his masterpiece. Love it.
In chapter two and three God creates Man and Woman and we get to the whole tree of life fiasco.
We all know what happens, God tells Adam not to eat from that tree but satan in the form of a snake persuades ditzy ol' Eve to eat and she does and the humans are barred from the garden of Eden and thus sin was born.
Now, reading this I kinda had the same feeling I felt when I watched the movie Titanic. I knew what was going to happen, but I still didn't want it to happen. As I was reading in my mind I am screaming "NO EVE YOU ARE STUPID! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU AND ALL OF MANKIND FOR THE REST OF FOREVER, YA BIG DUMMY!!!!
Then I got to thinking, if Eve hadn't had tasted that apple, what would the world be like? I mean yes, we would all know God and talk with God, life would have been easy. And that is great and everything, but I try to take the bad with the good in life. I want to cut Eve a little break here and say I am happy that I was able to be saved, I am happy that I have my story and that God had to intervene through my sin to bring me out of deep waters. I also would have been happy to run around the garden of Eden and chillin with God and animals, but hey --
thems is the brakes.
Am I happy there is sin in the world? No.
Am I so incredibly thankful that I have a God who sent his only son to save me from being nothingness soup. Yes!!
Stay tuned for more musings of the Bible, and hey why don't you follow along with me and we can discuss what God is teaching us though his word.
Tomorrow Genesis Chapters 4-6
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