I feel like I am on a rollercoaster when I read about Abram.
Like at the beginning of the ride when you know it's about to get crazy awesome.
I can't help but think about what he must have felt while God promised him that he would be the father to the descendants of the world.
I bet he felt like life was actually about to BEGIN.
In Genesis 13 Lot and Abram spilt up.
It's an amblicable spilt and they go about their lives raising cattle and what not. Then a war, basically, breaks out and Lot is capture. Abram, being the dependable guy that he is gos after and rescues Lot.
Then in the chapter 15 Abram makes a sacrifice to God and the Lord sends him a vision of what the future will be like on the ver land where Abram is standing.
How crazy that must have felt.
To know that you will one day have more children then sand on the beach and they will live in the land where you are now standing 400 hundred years from now.
God doesn't mess around when he says he blesses those that he loves.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
It's the Circle of life, and it moves us all
Today brings another chapter of family trees.
2 things I want to say on this.
1. Ham, the son of Noah, had a son named Cush who had a son named Nimrod. Now, this makes me wonder where the connotaion of the word "nimrod" came from in our culture today.
It means someone dumb, stupid, ect., right? Well Nimrod was a great warrior for God, and the Bible says he was admired by the people.
Weird, right?
2. At first I can't help but wonder why all of this is in the Bible. Why do I need to know so and so is the son of so and so and they moved over here and created this nation and became these people and so on and so forth?
Everything in the Bible has a purpose, there is nothing too small, and there is no detial that is in there that God wasn't being intentional about. This is what I believe.
So, here is my stab at figuring this out, and I could be completely wrong, but I think it could be summed up in one word.
Like the murals that hold the names of the men and women who honorably have lost their lives in the battle for freedom, these names are in the Bible because they came from the family God thought righteous enough to be the ones to populate the nations, and they did so.
Having your name intertwined with the word of God must be a great honor and a wonderful thank you.
Alright then we get to Abram. Who will later become Abraham.
God tells him to leave his home and he will create nations and everyone will be blessed because of him. So he and his wife Sarai and their nephew Lot head on over to Egypt, but Sarai apparently is a babe and Abram thinks that the Egyptions will kill him to get to her, so they say she is his sister. The the king falls for and God slaps a disease on him and then Abram and Saria get thrown out of Egypt...hmm
Stay tuned for more of the adventures of Abram and Saria!
Tomorrow, Genesis 13-15
Oh, on a non-biblical note, Go check out my friend Ambers Etsy page...it's awesome! :)
2 things I want to say on this.
1. Ham, the son of Noah, had a son named Cush who had a son named Nimrod. Now, this makes me wonder where the connotaion of the word "nimrod" came from in our culture today.
It means someone dumb, stupid, ect., right? Well Nimrod was a great warrior for God, and the Bible says he was admired by the people.
Weird, right?
2. At first I can't help but wonder why all of this is in the Bible. Why do I need to know so and so is the son of so and so and they moved over here and created this nation and became these people and so on and so forth?
Everything in the Bible has a purpose, there is nothing too small, and there is no detial that is in there that God wasn't being intentional about. This is what I believe.
So, here is my stab at figuring this out, and I could be completely wrong, but I think it could be summed up in one word.
Like the murals that hold the names of the men and women who honorably have lost their lives in the battle for freedom, these names are in the Bible because they came from the family God thought righteous enough to be the ones to populate the nations, and they did so.
Having your name intertwined with the word of God must be a great honor and a wonderful thank you.
Alright then we get to Abram. Who will later become Abraham.
God tells him to leave his home and he will create nations and everyone will be blessed because of him. So he and his wife Sarai and their nephew Lot head on over to Egypt, but Sarai apparently is a babe and Abram thinks that the Egyptions will kill him to get to her, so they say she is his sister. The the king falls for and God slaps a disease on him and then Abram and Saria get thrown out of Egypt...hmm
Stay tuned for more of the adventures of Abram and Saria!
Tomorrow, Genesis 13-15
Oh, on a non-biblical note, Go check out my friend Ambers Etsy page...it's awesome! :)
Monday, February 21, 2011
We all live in a Yellow Submarine.
Today God flooded the earth.
He saved only a pair of each animal along with a farmer named Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives.
God chose them because they lived righteously.
He chose this family to basically re-populate the world.
No pressure, right?
Could you imagine.
Lets say ladies, that you are the wife of one of Noah's sons.
Lets go with Ham. You are Ham's wife and he comes to you and says; "Hey, so God told Dad to build this ship and yeah, babe, I know we live in the middle of the desert, but he says a flood is coming and we need to live on this boat to survive. Oh and there are going to be animals that are going to poop everywhere with us. And, I don't really know how long we are going to be on this thing."
I would have freaked!
I don't' know if I could have been on that boat with all these animals for that long. the Bible says the flood took over for 150 days!
But what an honor is would have been for God to think this family righteous enough to populate the entire world.
Kinda puts living with stinky animals in perspective.
Chapter 9 ends with Noah getting drunk and putting a curse on his grandson. Guess that goes to show that no one is perfect. So I am kinda interested to see where this goes. I think I remember something about this, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Tomorrow Genesis 10-12
He saved only a pair of each animal along with a farmer named Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives.
God chose them because they lived righteously.
He chose this family to basically re-populate the world.
No pressure, right?
Could you imagine.
Lets say ladies, that you are the wife of one of Noah's sons.
Lets go with Ham. You are Ham's wife and he comes to you and says; "Hey, so God told Dad to build this ship and yeah, babe, I know we live in the middle of the desert, but he says a flood is coming and we need to live on this boat to survive. Oh and there are going to be animals that are going to poop everywhere with us. And, I don't really know how long we are going to be on this thing."
I would have freaked!
I don't' know if I could have been on that boat with all these animals for that long. the Bible says the flood took over for 150 days!
But what an honor is would have been for God to think this family righteous enough to populate the entire world.
Kinda puts living with stinky animals in perspective.
Chapter 9 ends with Noah getting drunk and putting a curse on his grandson. Guess that goes to show that no one is perfect. So I am kinda interested to see where this goes. I think I remember something about this, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Tomorrow Genesis 10-12
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The Herdsman and the Farmer
Genesis 4-6
Cain and Able, the ultimate sibling rivalry.
Cain was crazy jealous of Ables offering over his.
We all have experienced this. We have all we need, but there is someone who has something better.
It's such a human reaction to covet thy neighbor.
Cain sulks and pouts about it and God sets him in his place.
6-7 God spoke to Cain: "Why this tantrum? Why the sulking? If you do well, won't you be accepted? And if you don't do well, sin is lying in wait for you, ready to pounce; it's out to get you, you've got to master it."
Basically suck it up. God loves you no matter what.
But this wasn't enough. Cain let his jealousy get the best of him and God made him wander the earth.
My Mama always told me "green isn't a nice color on anyone" (meaning green with envy) and this surely was true for Cain.
However, God still took care of him. He promised to protect him as Cain left his home.
...And now the family tree of the human race.
"A lot of Begattin'" as my Mom also says.
However, one of my favorite people in the Bible is mentioned here; Enoch.
24 Enoch walked steadily with God. And then one day he was simply gone: God took him.
Enoch simply lived the life of a God follower and God just shot him straight up to heaven.
So freakin' cool!
Oh and then the Giants come, yeah giants.
The sons of Angels and of human women. super weird.
Then we get to Noah.
- tangent about Noah - I love that his sons name is Ham. It makes me giggle everytime
I read it. HA!
Some people may think that flooding the earth is kinda harsh, but lets think about this;
when something is dirty, what do you do? You clean it.
Just like God does in our lives. We come to him gross nasty and dirty and he washes us white as snow.
Tomorrow Genesis 7-9
Cain and Able, the ultimate sibling rivalry.
Cain was crazy jealous of Ables offering over his.
We all have experienced this. We have all we need, but there is someone who has something better.
It's such a human reaction to covet thy neighbor.
Cain sulks and pouts about it and God sets him in his place.
6-7 God spoke to Cain: "Why this tantrum? Why the sulking? If you do well, won't you be accepted? And if you don't do well, sin is lying in wait for you, ready to pounce; it's out to get you, you've got to master it."
Basically suck it up. God loves you no matter what.
But this wasn't enough. Cain let his jealousy get the best of him and God made him wander the earth.
My Mama always told me "green isn't a nice color on anyone" (meaning green with envy) and this surely was true for Cain.
However, God still took care of him. He promised to protect him as Cain left his home.
...And now the family tree of the human race.
"A lot of Begattin'" as my Mom also says.
However, one of my favorite people in the Bible is mentioned here; Enoch.
24 Enoch walked steadily with God. And then one day he was simply gone: God took him.
Enoch simply lived the life of a God follower and God just shot him straight up to heaven.
So freakin' cool!
Oh and then the Giants come, yeah giants.
The sons of Angels and of human women. super weird.
Then we get to Noah.
- tangent about Noah - I love that his sons name is Ham. It makes me giggle everytime
I read it. HA!
Some people may think that flooding the earth is kinda harsh, but lets think about this;
when something is dirty, what do you do? You clean it.
Just like God does in our lives. We come to him gross nasty and dirty and he washes us white as snow.
Tomorrow Genesis 7-9
Friday, February 18, 2011
In the beginning...
In the Beginning...
1-2First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don't see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. (The Message)
Today I start in Genesis chapters 1-3. These first two verses stuck out to me immediately, and not just because they are the first verses of the chapter, but because they remind me of how I was, how we all were before we found God. We were a "soup of nothingness" that God wanted to make into his masterpiece. Love it.
In chapter two and three God creates Man and Woman and we get to the whole tree of life fiasco.
We all know what happens, God tells Adam not to eat from that tree but satan in the form of a snake persuades ditzy ol' Eve to eat and she does and the humans are barred from the garden of Eden and thus sin was born.
Now, reading this I kinda had the same feeling I felt when I watched the movie Titanic. I knew what was going to happen, but I still didn't want it to happen. As I was reading in my mind I am screaming "NO EVE YOU ARE STUPID! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU AND ALL OF MANKIND FOR THE REST OF FOREVER, YA BIG DUMMY!!!!
Then I got to thinking, if Eve hadn't had tasted that apple, what would the world be like? I mean yes, we would all know God and talk with God, life would have been easy. And that is great and everything, but I try to take the bad with the good in life. I want to cut Eve a little break here and say I am happy that I was able to be saved, I am happy that I have my story and that God had to intervene through my sin to bring me out of deep waters. I also would have been happy to run around the garden of Eden and chillin with God and animals, but hey --
thems is the brakes.
Am I happy there is sin in the world? No.
Am I so incredibly thankful that I have a God who sent his only son to save me from being nothingness soup. Yes!!
Stay tuned for more musings of the Bible, and hey why don't you follow along with me and we can discuss what God is teaching us though his word.
Tomorrow Genesis Chapters 4-6
1-2First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don't see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. (The Message)
Today I start in Genesis chapters 1-3. These first two verses stuck out to me immediately, and not just because they are the first verses of the chapter, but because they remind me of how I was, how we all were before we found God. We were a "soup of nothingness" that God wanted to make into his masterpiece. Love it.
In chapter two and three God creates Man and Woman and we get to the whole tree of life fiasco.
We all know what happens, God tells Adam not to eat from that tree but satan in the form of a snake persuades ditzy ol' Eve to eat and she does and the humans are barred from the garden of Eden and thus sin was born.
Now, reading this I kinda had the same feeling I felt when I watched the movie Titanic. I knew what was going to happen, but I still didn't want it to happen. As I was reading in my mind I am screaming "NO EVE YOU ARE STUPID! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU AND ALL OF MANKIND FOR THE REST OF FOREVER, YA BIG DUMMY!!!!
Then I got to thinking, if Eve hadn't had tasted that apple, what would the world be like? I mean yes, we would all know God and talk with God, life would have been easy. And that is great and everything, but I try to take the bad with the good in life. I want to cut Eve a little break here and say I am happy that I was able to be saved, I am happy that I have my story and that God had to intervene through my sin to bring me out of deep waters. I also would have been happy to run around the garden of Eden and chillin with God and animals, but hey --
thems is the brakes.
Am I happy there is sin in the world? No.
Am I so incredibly thankful that I have a God who sent his only son to save me from being nothingness soup. Yes!!
Stay tuned for more musings of the Bible, and hey why don't you follow along with me and we can discuss what God is teaching us though his word.
Tomorrow Genesis Chapters 4-6
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My one year challenge?
Ok, so confession time:
I have never read the WHOLE Bible.
There have just been little chunks here, small snipettes there that I have just passed over.
This is something, I feel, that needs to be dealt with and addressed for the sake of my growth and walk with my father and Savior.
And also to better my ministry, and leadership abilities.
So, that being said.
I want to read the entire Bible in consecutive order. I want to watch the story unfold from beginning to... well to the revelation. :)
So, I will read 3 Chapters per day until I have finished the whole thing.
I have no idea if it will take a year, or long, but having just watched Julie and Julia ( a movie I highly recommend.) I am under the impression that a blog is a great source of accountability. Therefore as I go through the Bible I will sort of use this Blog as a journal of sorts.
I will keep my secret place with God, just that, a secret. But I will share some thoughts, feelings, and effects the scriptures have on a 20 something like myself.
I have never read the WHOLE Bible.
There have just been little chunks here, small snipettes there that I have just passed over.
This is something, I feel, that needs to be dealt with and addressed for the sake of my growth and walk with my father and Savior.
And also to better my ministry, and leadership abilities.
So, that being said.
I want to read the entire Bible in consecutive order. I want to watch the story unfold from beginning to... well to the revelation. :)
So, I will read 3 Chapters per day until I have finished the whole thing.
I have no idea if it will take a year, or long, but having just watched Julie and Julia ( a movie I highly recommend.) I am under the impression that a blog is a great source of accountability. Therefore as I go through the Bible I will sort of use this Blog as a journal of sorts.
I will keep my secret place with God, just that, a secret. But I will share some thoughts, feelings, and effects the scriptures have on a 20 something like myself.
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