So I am graduating Saturday, yes, Saturday!
So in light of this momentous event I am posting my final speech from my speech analysis class.
The Prompt was: What is the most important thing you have learned in college?
So, for your viewing pleasure;
The importance of College
The most important thing I’ve learned in College is something, I hope, all of us have figured out.
College is not entirely about formulas, theories, or even classes.
I have learned that colleges is really a tool. A tool that is given to us with the intention of finding
In this scholastic establishment our views and opinions are challenged, and the morals of our youth become either clearly defined or fade into new ones.
Among the many voices of our fellow classmates and teachers we are pushed to focus in on the distinct tone of our own, new, educated, self-aware, and confident voice.
The most important thing that I have learned in college is that I am me.
I have a voice.
It is mine, and mine alone.
There it is, hope you liked it.
hope you had a fabulous gradutaionx