"In your ocean I'm ankle deep, I feel the waves crashing on my feet.
I think I know where I need to be, but I can't figure out, no I can't figure out
Just how much air I will need to breathe, When your wave crashes over me.
There's only one way to figure out..."
Today is my last official day in Pensacola until August. I haven't even spent a full year here, just a school year, so why is it I feel so strongly connected to this place?
I find that Pensacola has an essence, a spirit that I love and have loved experiencing through out my time here. But it's not just that.
I feel like God really wanted me to be here.Through a bunch of really weird situations I ended up in a town where I knew two people and now I am leaving with a ton of amazing memories and experiences and basically a second family.
God has blessed me so much through my time here this school year. I have never learned so much about serving, living, laughing, and loving in my whole life.
I've learned that you can't do life alone, you have to have people who encourage you, love you, tell you when you're being stupid, teach you, honor you, challenge you, and that is exactly what I found here in Pensacola with all the amazing people I have met through Flamingo.
Moving back home is scary. I am afraid I will miss out on what happens here, afraid that things will be different when i come back, afraid that I won't have in Pc what I have here. However, I believe that God will grow me even more over the summer if I am open to it.
"And the water is rising quick, and for years I was scared of it.
We can't be sure when it will subside,
So I won't leave your side,
No, I can't leave your side"
I will never forget some of the memories I have experienced here.
heart break
Life change
laughter until it hurt
unexpected tears
unexpected friendship
ghost hunting
bungee jumping
raising my Ebenezer
Life change
Salvation spring up from the ground
no ghosts lol
(Yeah, I just wrote "lol" in a blog, so what?)
All in all, a pretty amazing and eventful school year that I truly will never forget.
I love all of you who have impacted my life thus far, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for the future.
"Hey now, this is my desire
Consume me like a fire. I just want
something beautiful to touch me.
I know that I'm in reach, because I am down on my knees,
waiting for something beautiful"
-Something Beautiful, Need to Breathe